Monday, January 19, 2009



Do you like tween pop-culture, skulls, neon, roses and crosses? Then this place is for you. Work includes designing apparel graphics for men and women, which includes shirts, hoodies, board shorts, etc. Lots of free food from executive design meetings and in the summer, free Baskin-Robins Ice Cream every Friday! The big perk: Your designs will hit stores instantaneously.

Christie's Auction House


Be prepared to experience the life of an In-House design team. Two typefaces used at all time and the Christie's Pantone Red will become your best friend. The work is limited to Lot Cards for first time Co-Ops, but you eventually work your way up to brochures, posters and small ephemera. Located in the famous Rockefeller Plaza, you'll never get sick of the early morning Today Show guests getting in the way of your already late commute.